
Random ramblings in my life

My Baby
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Previous Posts
» Friday, 13 October 2006
» 9 of Sep 2006
» 8 of Sep 2006
» 1 Sep 2006
» 27-08-2006
» A New Life Just Born!!!
» Malaysia...hehe
» FELL....Suck
» Singarpore...i'm coming...
| June 2006 | July 2006 | August 2006 | September 2006 | October 2006 | May 2007

since 23rd July 2006
Other things
Same thing here GILA BANGAT
Monday, May 07, 2007

Mẹ ơi, con nhớ mẹ lắm!

Mẹ có biết mỗi lúc con buồn, mỗi khi con vui hay mỗi lần con chán nản, mỗi lần gần như con muốn dứt bỏ tất cả, con đều nghĩ về mẹ…và điều đó đã giúp con. Mẹ là nghị lực để con vực dậy và phấn đấu, để con tiếp tục đi trên con đường của chính mình. Bây giờ con mới nhận ra đều đó…những bài học quý báu mà mẹ đã từng dạy cho con (mà con đã từng nghĩ đó chỉ là những bài học xa vời và bình thường).

Sống xa nhà, con mới hiểu thế nào là cuộc đời thật.
Sống xa nhà, con mới biết mọi người không ai thật lòng, vì thế
biết không ai quý hơn bằng mẹ
thấu nổi lo lắng của mẹ
nhớ những bài học mẹ dạy, mẹ mắn
thương nổi vất vả mà hằng ngày mẹ đi chợ nấu cơm cho con
đau mỗi khi biết mẹ mỗi ngày chờ tin của con
thấy cuộc sống quanh con chỉ là giả dối
hiểu tại sao mẹ lại luôn lo lằng cho con
hiểu tại sao mẹ luôn lo sợ người đời hại con của mẹ
trân trọng những giây những phút bên mẹ
biết tại sao không gì quý hơn tình thương của mẹ dành cho con

Sống xa nhà, con buồn con đau, nào ai biết
Sống xa nhà, con khổ con cực, nào ai lo
Sống xa nhà, con đâu được mẹ và gia đình bảo vệ nữa
Sống xa nhà, con phải tự làm tất cả và quyết định tất cả

Nhưng những điều đó con không sợ vì con luôn biết rằng lúc nào mẹ cũng sẽ là người đầu tiên và cuối cùng đứng phía sau lưng con để động viên và chia sẽ với con.

Cám ơn mẹ đã là chỗ dựa tinh thần cho tất cả 4 đứa con.
Cám ơn mẹ đã tạo đựng 1 gia đình hạnh phúc nhất cho tụi con.
Cám ơn mẹ đã cho tụi con tự hào về gia đình mình.
Cám ơn mẹ đã chịu nhọc chịu khổ để tụi con có được ngày hôm nay
Cám ơn mẹ đã chịu đắng chịu cay để bảo vệ tụi con
Cám ơn mẹ đã ngày đêm chăm sóc và lo lắng cho từng đứa tụi con
Con cám ơn mẹ nhiều lắm, mẹ ơi!

Con biết con là 1 trong 4 đứa mà cả nhà lo lắng nhất

Con xin lỗi vì để mọi người bận tâm.
Con xin lỗi vì con là đứa vụng về nhất
Con xin lỗi vì con là đứa sống vô lo nhất
Con xin lỗi vì ngày đầu tiên lên máy bay, đã làm mẹ khóc và lo lắng mấy ngày đêm

Nhưng mẹ ơi, con biết tự lo cho mình rồi,
Con nhớ hết những gì mẹ dạy, mẹ mắn
Từng những cái gấp đồ, ủi đồ và dọn phòng
Những bài học đối nhân xử thế
Những cách tự động viên mình sau mỗi lần vấp ngã
Con nhớ hết mẹ à!

Cám ơn mẹ đã là mẹ của 4 đứa tụi con! Con hứa sẽ không làm mẹ thất vọng! Con sẽ cố gắng hết sức để mẹ có thể tự hào về con cũng như 2 chị. Cho dù cuộc sống khó đến đâu, thì con - CHU sẽ không bao giờ bỏ cuộc giữa chừng. Mẹ hãy tin con, mẹ nhé!

I love you…my wonderful MOM in the world!!!

Posted by Ghost13 @ 8:43 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, 13 October 2006
Wow, 13 Friday? Hehe is it an unlucky day? No, it is not effect to me because this is my favourite number. From the morning, I woke up earlier than another day half hour hehe. I sent a wishes to my sister because today is also her birthday! And the funny part is she replied me: “Thanks my FAT little sister” Mamamia, I already lost weigh but she still call me fat sister hic hic. I love to see her joke to me because at that time she has no stress from her work. I’m worry for her health now because she heard her friend told that if she wont eats for 1 month or 2 months, so she can get over an illness. Now she’s still working and only drinks water everyday, I don’t know is it true or not, but I’m worry for her, I don’t know she enough health to work or not. Me and my mom already hinder her from that but no point. So I just can hope it is true in order she will continue to eat again soon.
My work today was so cushy, I finished everything at 12am and I just walk around and around and wait until 3pm so can go home hehe. While waiting, the chef brought me a sandwich (ham and cheese and lot tomatoes) hehe, he said he know I am hungry so offer me one hahaha. No guest or not much work today, I just was lazy walk around, then I saw an old couple standing out side searching something. Huh, I was curiously dont know what they are searching and maybe they need my help? After I came and asked if they need my help. They were so happy when I asked them, they were searching the way go to the town. Hehe that is so easy for me because everytime no more food or go back school I always go to the town mah :p Then I showed them and gave some more information about luzern for them. They thanked me a lot and took one picture with me hehe. How good I am hihi.
So kept walking around, I saw 3 old people (2 old woman and an old man) were seating in front of the lift. I just passed and an old man asked me about the lift. They stayed in the 5th floor, but our hotels lift only reach to 4th floor only and they have to walk by stair to 5th floor. Ops, it will be difficult for them because one of them have a leg was sore. And they told me that if there is no lift to the 5th floor so it is still ok, they will try to walk up there. Huh, with my conscience, I could not let it be like this. Then I came to reception try to ask for them rooms which is in a lower floor than they no need to walk by stair. Umh…that is not my responsibility so I was worry the receptionist will blar..blar.. But everything was ok; they had available rooms in the first floor and near the lift, wow that is great. I ran back them and took them to see the room. With their happy in the face, I feel happy too. It reminds me when I worked in reception before; always have to consider who the guest is and which rooms have to organize for them.
Just waiting until the hour hand chimed three o’clock then I go, but before I had gone I also had to see the lady work in the bar so that she can take over my shift. I just told her everything was ok and I helped her to organize all the drink into the shelf (because I knew her back is not good and all the drinks is heavy, so just help her abit lah). Then my lunch shift was smoothly finished.
Posted by Ghost13 @ 5:20 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Thursday, October 12, 2006
9 of Sep 2006
Because I was nervous in my first day of work so I got up very 4:45am. I dressed up and everything done at 5:30am then I just was waiting until 5:43am to go to the restaurant.
Huh, I went to see Mr. Thomas - my manager, to show me what I have to do. Then he told me now I can go back to my room and will come back here at 6:30am???Huh, so strange…but I didn't ask why. Then I wouldn't go back my room. I just asked him what he will do now and he show me the coffee machine and he made for him one and made one for me and took me go to the downstairs where the personal room situated. We drank coffee and watched TV. I just kept quite and waited until 6:30am. While waiting, I taught with another guy same service like me, he said this is the room where all staffs have breakfast, lunch or dinner. Oh, ok, I understood. It means we will a half hour free to have breakfast. Now, already 6:30. I came back the restaurant, there are 3 restaurants, one is a small restaurant where is for a group which stay for long days. One is the hall where is for a normal group or for the group which pay less. And the last one is restaurant, where is for a special group and for the individual guest which means they travel by them-self. So today, I worked in the restaurant with responsibility is going around the table to pour coffee and tee for the guests who would like it…hic hic, it looks easy The whole my arm was pain after that because I don’t know how many cup of tee and coffee I poured (I think more than 200 cups…ack...ack...). So we close the restaurant at 10am, after that we start to clear the buffet and set up the table for dinner. While setting up the table, Mr. Thomas asked me go with him. He showed me everything in the hotel like the guest rooms, seminar rooms, lobby and the office...Wow the room here so nice, they decorate guest room by different style, and also the seminar room is very modern. After taking a round then I came back and helped my collages finish the work. So...we finished at 11am. Phew...finally my hand now could take a rest. Coming back to the room, I took a nap until 5:30pm hehe (instead of studying for my IELTS) but I'm supper tired so I had no more moods to study IELTS...hehe
I started again at 6pm, now we are serving dinner for 7 groups and each group have different course MAMAMIA, we ran this, we ran that to take this to take that upon the guest requiring. And the horrible part is serving the main course, I have to carry 3 plates in hand (and all of it is heavy and hot) for each time. Oh my God, after finishing dinner, we have to clean the entire messy thing here and set up again for breakfast. We normal finished our work around 10pm more or less depending on the quantity of guests and the time they start dinner.
Hic hic, it is really hard for me in this time because me I long time won’t work already and now start to work again. The whole body like just fighting with someone, all is hurt and can’t move when I sleep special is my arms and legs.
But anyways the entire hard things will trend me to be better when I face with the life in the future.
Posted by Ghost13 @ 6:10 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
8 of Sep 2006
Phew, finally I arrived hotel...There is a middle-aged woman with blond hair showed me my room. She took me to the room and said something in German but I could get that was about the key’s deposit. That was a shock for me when I heard she said that I have to give her 200 CHF to deposit for only the KEY...??? (Because she spoke German so...I misunderstood). Unfortunately, I don't have that much money so I answered her that…I don't have enough money, I'll give her tomorrow after I withdrawn from the bank (by German...) With a big eyes surprise, she ask me again...DON'T YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY? (by German). Huh...I thought that lady is crazy…she think I'm that rich to have always in my pocket up to 200 CHF? @.@
After that she left and now I'm alone with my new room. That is a small room with one single bed, one square small table, one chair, one chest, one wardrobe, one little shoe-shelf and one wash-basin. Huh…that's quite a humble room but I love it. Because I no need to share the room with anyone and I really have my private space where I can do what I want. However the thing I dislike is I don’t have my own toilet and bath-room…I have to share with another 2 Vietnamese girls but they are quite nice and friendly.
Ok! Now I'm organizing my stuff and try to go to sleep early because my first day of work start at 5:45am (hic I have never wake up that early).
Posted by Ghost13 @ 6:09 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
1 Sep 2006
After a short holiday in Malaysia with my lovely friend, I flied back Switzerland and now I’m in Mike and Vanessa’s house, my brother in law‘s friend in Zurich. I stayed with them last year while I did my first internship in Switzerland. They are the one who found the job for me in Angkor Restaurant – 5 stars service. Comparing with other friends I think I was the most earned experience from internship. So lucky I am when I worked there because from there I met a lot of friends and also it liked my second home. My boss was very kind and my manager – Dewi – always helps me when I was in trouble. In a comment I have to say thank to Mike and Vanessa who created for me better days when I stay alone here in Switzerland.
While waiting for the day I start to work, I just lazy stay in the house, sometime go back to school to meet my friends. Or sometime I come to Angkor to chat with my manager and my boss hehehehe. So relaxing I am. In total I’ll stay in Mike’s house 1 and a half weeks then I move to Luzern for my new job in 4 stars hotel…
Posted by Ghost13 @ 6:07 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Hehe, finally I got the job in Europe Hotel. It was a confused situation between me and the school. The problem was I work for the hotel only 2.5 months and the school wouldn’t accept to give my certificate to the hotel so that hotel can make a contract also the working permit for me. I was so angry with Mr. Perez (my internship coordinator but now he was fired by school hehe) because he gave an absurd answer.
I was so sad because I thought I couldn’t have that job. I replied the hotel that I would love to work in their hotel but my school wouldn’t let me work because the term is so short. And I hope next year, I can work for them.
After 1 day, hotel had replied me again. They said: ““NOW” they don’t care about my school, I can send them any paper which related to me so that they can try to get the permit for me.” Hehehe I was so happy and faxed all my paper for them on the same day.
It was so lucky for me that the hotel can did it. And now I’m going to work there so I can practice my German also can earn more experience from the hotel.
Posted by Ghost13 @ 6:05 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
A New Life Just Born!!!
Hihi, how do you thing about a baby which only had been borne 2 months only? It was miracle. From the happy face of his mom -Vanessa (my relative), I can image how significant he is with his parents. He - Tyrese Huynh has given his parents a motive power life in order to build up their life much better. Mike - his father, work as much as possible to can make sure his boy will have more than enough convinces later. How spiritual they are when trying to do the best thing for their children. They not even feel tired when they see their child smile or the sleeping face. They even forget every tired and problem which they have to face with their work everyday.
With all their love, they are take care their child without thinking. They are always worried when hearing their child cries even sometime the baby cry without reason. I could saw the worry face of Vanessa when her baby crying although she knew that the baby was fed, the nappy was changed and the baby's temperature were normal. The baby cried because she let him sleep in the cradle without holding him in hand. She knew she have to train him like this, if not later she have to carry him all the time and it is not good for baby's growth.
At that time.....I felt missing my mom so much. How hard she was when took care me (not only me, my sisters and brother also hehe) You see, now they are taking care the baby so much like Vanessa and Mike, but later when they grown up like us now, they not even follow what mom and dad said. They hang around with their friend more than stay at home with their parents. They answer back their parents or leave home to stay out side when their parents are not pleased them or grumble them. How shame we are when we are not realized that our parents love us how much. They never remind us how hard they have been taken care us, how worried they have been when we was sick or went home late and how suffer great misery they had when feed us up. They always teach us and quite help us to avoid the bad thing which is going to face with us. We not even mind about that, we just think they are blar...blar...too much. They talk because they already have experience from the best things to the worst things in their life. How long we lived with our parents? And how many days or months we hang out with our friend? Every single works our parents said, will never get in our mind, but only 1 word from our friend, we already follow without thinking. We always think that our parents were obsolete so that don't understand our world. From that, we put our down as a fool because time lost is never found! We don't know how long we can spend our time with them and we don't know that we have enough time to can fulfill our's obligation as a child or not. PLEASE!!!..Take a second and think again what did we behave with our parents.....NO BOBY IN PLANET IS MOST CARE US AS OUR PARENTS.... And remember that they always welcome us even though we make any mistakes. And let them proud of us as a knowledge child and....FAMILY is a best safetiest and believable place in the world (=^.^=)
Posted by Ghost13 @ 4:32 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Friday, September 01, 2006

Huh, this trip was not in my plan when I was in Vietnam. It was a really nice trip which my sister supported to me to go there. Because normal I took the flight from Ho Chi Minh city to Zurich on 29 Aug and have to transit nearly 6 hours in Malaysia. That why, my sister told me why do not I take that advance to make a trip around Malaysia in 2 or 3 days. So I confused should I go or not because I want to spend more time with my family especial with my mom. Finally, my mom said don’t worry about her, I should go because I have not been in Malaysia and also I have my friend there and also she has a same flight with me to come back Switzerland. So I changed the day fly to Malaysia on 27, and I had 3 days in Malaysia with my friend – Rohini Harichandra – hehe my lovely friend.

Haha, it was fun when she told me that she would came the airport 1 hour before I arrive, but when I arrived....I had to wait for her nearly 1 hour because her traffic-jam…blar..blar….
We went by train back her house in KL and hurry to take our stuff to go to Genting. She was aready booked the hotel and made a plan for me. It took half hour by train and another half hour by bus to go there. But we didn't continue take bus to go up the mountain, we decided to take the KAP to go there. Unfortunately, the weather was not good, we couldn't see anything below accept feeling the strong cold wind. Any way, we arrived there at 8pm....Wow, Genting is so nice, it is a night city which people can enjoy the food and entertainment the whole night. It has theme park in and out door, casino and cinema.
Hehe, that night was so fun. After checked in and took shower, we went to the food corner where we could find Malaysian food there. Mam..mam.. with the desert ...yummy....yummy.... hehe------------>>>
After fully of food, we went to Starbuck Coffee shop in order to chat with my family, because only there they have wireless. The funny thing was my new laptop didn't work with wireless, we already have the user name and password but couldn't connect internet...huh...what's wrong with it? i think. Nearly given up, i found out that i forget to turn on the wireless button under the stupid... hahahaha
Posted by Ghost13 @ 11:22 PM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Friday, August 25, 2006

Hic, the result more worse than before, i got only 5.0
I'm so disappointed about myself how come i got the result like this? This is not the first test i did, already the second time with expecting 6.0 but now...hic. I think i could got the high mark because i thought i did the test very good, specially listening and speaking. Just this morning, when i got the result, i felt like i'm a dull and delusion because I think i can get even 6.5
Hic, stupid i am.....
Posted by Ghost13 @ 8:59 AM   1 Ghost(s) commented
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Singarpore...i'm coming...

Wow, that was a great time in Singapore with my sisters and brother. We spent the whole time together (just 4 of us) like we did before when we were the first time traveling in Thai Lan (that was the first time my oldest sister showed 3 of us how the life in foreign country and also the first time 3 of us traveling by plane).

This trip was planed by my oldest sister because firstly me and my brother went back Vietnam for holiday and it is may take very long time for us see each other. He went back for 2 months holiday and after that he will study in USA for 4 years; And me went back only 3 weeks and 4 days for my holiday and I will come back Switzerland to continue my study and internship in 2 years or … I do not know exactly. Secondly, my sister knew that 3 of us have not been in Singapore even she told us that having nothing to see, but it is true, beside Singapore is a cleanest country, it has not anything like sea, river, or mountain to enjoy. Also it is an expensive country; the cost life is high because everything from Singapore they have to buy even land and water which they have to buy from Malaysia. But any way, Singapore organize their country very good, especially their law is very strict, not like my country or Indonesia or Malaysia, such as they will fine you if you broke a rule or a law even you have a lot of money. And thirdly she decided to go to Singapore because we no need to apply for a visa to come there, and also for her business.

We really enjoy it and very happy when we spent time together which we do not know when we can go together again.
Posted by Ghost13 @ 8:59 AM   0 Ghost(s) commented
Ok! Finnaly i decided not to take the second IELTS test...Now i'm just waiting and waiting for the result on 23.08 ... :~
If 6.0 points not smiling with me, so i have to both working and practise IELTS in Switzerland and have to apply again for IELTS test there...... hic hic ...i'm scare i have to face with it...ah'..i hate test...i hate exam....hic hic
Posted by Ghost13 @ 8:23 AM   0 Ghost(s) commented
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Chu Ghost 13
Neuchatel, Switzerland
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